Best holiday dish - Gratitude

Posted by Aiste Zitnikaite on

As this incredibly turbulent year is coming to an end, most of us still live with uncertainty, and although this will mean something different for everyone, I hope you are all looking forward to the holiday season the way  I am.  Throughout this special year, we have all grown and learned some revelations about ourselves. I know I have learned a lot about gratitude - which may sound odd considering the current situation, but being thankful for what you DO have rather than what you do not seems to be useful these days. I am very grateful to have formed new relationships and created deeper connections with family and friends during this crisis. Ironically, although we have to keep our distance from each other physically, I know we are connecting deeper with each other in alternative and creative ways.  I have video chats with my friends and family on a regular schedule now - something I never did before. I have formed new friendships with people on Zoom, I might have never met otherwise. I have collaborated with other creatives remotely. I have really rewarding zoom meetings with my young intern trying to navigate learning this year.  A positive mindset, I believe, can help us through the dark times. 


Although COVID-19 has brought fear and anxiety, it has also given our community a reason to band together. Before, our lives were moving a mile a minute, leaving us with that feeling like there's never enough time to be there for our loved ones as much as we'd like. Now, time seems to have slowed down somewhat, so I encourage you all to consider  those in your community who need a helping hand. Now more than ever, the smallest act of kindness can impact someone's whole day and mindset. For most of us, the holiday season is one to look forward to and being kind to our neighbors is really what the holidays are all about.  Although family gatherings and celebrations will look different this year, we can all still have a wonderful holiday full of joy and love if we adjust our expectations and focus on what's important - our blessings.  I look forward to the days when we can all travel and visit each other again safely; when we can all enrich our lives with culture and good food and hugs again. Those days will come and remembering to stay grateful will help them come faster. I am grateful for all of you, and your continued support throughout this time. I stay grounded by continuing to do what I do - creating in my studio (latest collection just launched last week). I await  the days when we can all reminisce about this time as a memory of our resilience. One thing is for sure, new horizons are always ahead.  I hope this  inspires you and helps you all look forward to the future. Happy Holidays !


These images are from a socially distanced photo shoot - a collaboration I did with a Boston menswear designer Chevalier Homme and jewelry designer Whisper Designs. I am truly grateful for these type of projects and connections created - Distant yet Connected!
Photography by D.Robertson Fay